Study & Design
Topographic Works

We deal with your requirements with thorough attention, integrity and professionalism!

We treat your engagements with due care, integrity and

About us

The Elbi Consulting Engineers agency Elbi Consulting Engineers was founded in 2019 and, since then, has been actively involved in the field of topography.

The founder of the agency and graduate of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens Elena Bimba, has high expertise and experience in the industry, as well as an EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) A1-A2-A3 UAV pilot certification from 2021, when the Greek legislation complied with the characteristics of the European organization.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of Greek legislation, she holds a certificate for the operation of various types of UAVs, such as multicopters and fixed wing, and is also a special category pilot with BVLOS (Visual Line of Sight) extension, since 2018. Therefore, she can manage any kind of topographic project using the latest technology with speed and accuracy. Finally, she is driven by a strong personal passion for the subject and demonstrates great dedication and meticulousness during the execution of every project she undertakes.

The Elbi Consulting Engineers agency is staffed by a team of highly qualified associates, with significant specialization in their respective activity areas, who contribute decisively to the successful outcome of all topographic processes.

Our Vision

--Elena Bimba

Recognizing the critical role that topographic operations play in the development of a project from the planning stage to its completion, the aim of our agency is the full coverage of any need that may arise. Offering a wide range of related services characterized by efficient methods and state-of-the-art equipment, Elbi Consulting Engineers' vision involves undertaking projects of high standards both in Greece and abroad, achieving long-term partnerships based on trust, as well as joint growth. 

By opting to work with us, you can be confident that all your demands will be handled with rigorous attention, integrity and professionalism.

Photogrammetric applications

Our agency meets the requirements for such applications...
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Topographic Operations – Surveys

Τοπογραφικές Αποτυπώσεις για τους εξής σκοπούς: έργα οδοποιίας, έργα ανάπτυξης ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας

Special surveying & applications with 3D Laser Scanner

The measuring and capturing of objects in 3D form represent the most modern tool

Photogrammetric applications

Η Photometry is a process that requires knowledge not only of the methods to be used in the field and in the office, but also knowledge of handling the means of performing these procedures. Our agency meets the requirements for such applications, since, in addition to the necessary certifications, it also possesses unmanned aircraft equipment and data processing software.

Some of the products of this process are the following:

Digital orthophotographs/ orthophotomaps

Which constitute a modern cartographic product that combines the measuring capability with the quality of information that a high-resolution digital aerial photograph can provide and are used both as backgrounds for topographic surveying and as high-precision sources.

Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

With the high-precision altimetric data provided by the drone survey, a surface is created with altimetric information that gives us the terrain of an area. With its use, it becomes very easy to calculate slopes and altimetric differences much more simply and instantly.

Calculation of volumetric changes and surfaces

The calculation of volumes and areas in sectors such as excavations, large surfaces and quarries with the use of drones significantly reduces delivery time and concerns earthworks such as excavations and embankments.

Photogrammetric topographic measuring

We undertake the comprehensive surveying of topographic data, both in the building and in the terrain part of an area, with advanced methods that ensure maximum accuracy even in cases where the area is very large or inaccessible, and the application of ground methods ranges from complex to impossible.

3D Modeling and 360ο Virtual Tours

For the construction and manufacturing sectors, and Aerial Photography for the Real Estate sector.

Survey of construction and engineering works

This particular process is aimed at analyzing and comparing the characteristics of each given project through 2D or 3D imaging. Therefore, this can be implemented during the construction of a project, as well as after the completion of the project, for the monitoring of normal functioning or even subsidence and other geological changes.

Completed tasks

Our agency delivers complete and absolutely accurate topographic studies and two-dimensional or three-dimensional models in any form requested.

Topographic Operations – Surveys

Topographic Surveys

For the following purposes: road construction projects, renewable energy sources development projects such as wind and solar farms, urban planning studies and hydraulic, building and port projects.

Topographic Diagrams

For the determination of Coastal and Beach limits.
for the determination of Coastal and Beach limits. This procedure involves the development of an integrated and comprehensive topographic diagram for submission to the competent authorities. Thus, it requires a high level of expertise and skill on the part of the surveying engineer. 

Survey Applications and Alignments

Through the alignment process, we can effectively transfer the data of a topographic survey to the physical terrain, something that is useful for various types of construction projects.

Topographic Diagrams

Of properties within/outside the plan for the following purposes: contract drafting, issuance of a building permit, segmentation, issuance of an act of classification by the forestry department

Photo interpretation

Through the technique of Photo Interpretation, it is made possible to examine the buildings and physical features within the field depicted in the aerial photograph, in order to explore the area in detail, as well as to assess and utilize its potential.

Special surveying & applications with 3D Laser Scanner


The measuring and capturing of objects in 3D form represent the most modern tool, essential in every commercial sector of the market, such as Shipping, Manufacturing, Medicine, Architecture, Graphic Arts, Visual Effects, Marketing and Modeling to capture reality, verify the construction and create a background for changes in surveys.

Our Projects

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Mon - Fri.: 09:00-17:00



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Το γραφείο μας έχει ως έδρα την περιοχή του Γέρακα Αττικής. Αποφεύγοντας κάθε είδους περιορισμούς, η δράση του επεκτείνεται σε ολόκληρη την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό. Μη διστάσετε να έρθετε σε επαφή μαζί μας, ανεξαρτήτως του τόπου όπου βρίσκεται το έργο για το οποίο επιθυμείτε να συζητήσουμε.

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